I Love to Lick a Woman's Big Butthole - 2

My German neighbor Bridgett teaches me to lick and tongue fuck her butthole while sitting in a fart chair.

When I got back to Los Angeles with Sara, I kissed her deeply and hugged her
like a lover, and thanked her for going with me and making it the best, most
special birthday and vacation I could ever hope for.

I kissed her several more times on her face saying, "Thank you, thank you,
thank you. Your next anal and rectal examination should be scheduled for next
week Friday or early the following week."

"That soon doctor?"

"Yes, mainly because we did not find the sand. If some sand DID get into either
your vagina or rectum, there could be problems. So I want to keep you on a
weekly follow up, for two months."

Sara had a big smile and a very sexy look in her eyes and then burst out into loud laughter.
She gave me a punch on my shoulder.

She said, "Okay, Doctor, the last thing I need right now is a sand infection
in my pussy or butthole."

She was testing me and teasing me at the same time. Testing me to see if I would
notice her using street words as I did and if I would say anything about it; teasing me
because she was using my exact words that I used with her on our trip 90% of the
time. I also used asshole, dark hole, but my favorite is butthole.

We hugged again and she said she'd text me. I watched her walk away towards her car,
and the sway of her butt in her tight jeans was so sexy, especially now that I
knew what was underneath.

Like my Japanese tutor for prepping for college, who I'll share about soon, Sara had the
sweet, innocent look of a Japanese girl, and nobody would ever guess she had the butthole
of an anal porn star and the drive and experience to get all her anal needs met.

When I got home, I told my parents about the trip and how much fun Sara and I had.
If they only what kind of fun they would have both had heart attacks. I still lived
with them because I was planning to go to college near their house if I could
ever get the hang of courses that would hold me back. They eventually hired a tutor for me,
as I said, a story for another day.

My mother handed me my messages from callers on the house phone. Most were happy birthday
wishes from relatives. I saw one from Bridgette, the German lady who was always so friendly
to me and the other neighborhood young boys. She lived down the block on our same street in
a corner house five houses down from us.

Bridgett often invited young boys to come in and have some lemonade and cookies on hot
summer days, Oreos and hot chocolate during the winter, and was a convivial and spirited host
who talked to us in a loud German-accented voice.

"Boys, how is school going for you? You need to study hard so you can get a good job and
attract a sexy wife. Girls want a man who offers them a secure future, and that's why I married

She mentioned Wolfgang a lot when she talked to us, and he was a highly-paid aircraft mechanic
with a great job that gave him high-pay and great benefits, including a big pension. He died
12 years ago, and Bridgett lived on his pension and death benefits from Social Security.

She also talked about her properties in Huntington Beach, Pasadena, and other cities in the area
when she had problems with tenants or contractors. So she was well-off and didn't need to work,
yet she seemed lonely to me.

She never had any men over to the house, women either, and the only visitors I ever saw her have
over were her three daughters. But they lived far away from her, so the visits were infrequent.

I called Bridgett since it was still early, only 7:00 p.m., and she didn't know how to text. She
said in a loud and boisterous voice, "Happy birthday James! Your mother told me you went to Hawaii
with your cousin Sara and would be back today, and I baked you a cake. Come over and let's celebrate
you becoming a man officially!"

I said, "Thank you, Miss Bridgett, let me change out of these clothes which were drenched with sweat
earlier due to the humidity in Hawaii, and I'll be by."

She said, "Wonderful, and I have a surprise for you!"

I changed into a pair of Bermuda shorts and a Hawaiian style T-shirt and walked over to her house. It
was the middle of summer, and Southern California weather in the evenings was way nicer than Hawaii
since there was no humidity. Life was good.

I knocked on the door and she answered in a pair of lavender shorts that seemed slightly too small for her,
and a tight red t-shirt that outlined her big boobs. I am not a tit man, but I do give a woman's
boobs proper attention during foreplay because some women really like it. I do enjoy sucking on a
woman's nipple and getting it hard and hearing her moan. So I can't give an estimate as to her cup
size and letter for width. Let's just say they were bigger than average, with a nice shape, and when
she wore tops that were thin and fit closely, I could see her nipples forming bumps on her T-shirts.

I always called her Miss Bridgette as I was taught to do by my parents, and had been visiting her since
I was ten years old. Two years after her husband had died from an early and unexpected heart attack.
I'm a really bad judge of age, maybe because it's not that important to me.

I find something interesting in everyone I meet, from the homeless, lonely, depressed, and even downright assholes.
I almost always find a way to connect and make them laugh. It's all genuine and sincere because
I really do like and enjoy people.

That's why I'm a pretty good sales guy and make a lot of dinero, which gives me the freedom to continue my
butt hunts with a wide variety of women.

But my best guess is that Bridgett was in her early to mid-forties when I was 18. So while some would consider
her "mature" by porn standards, over the hill by the age-conscious, I saw her as a very sexy woman who I
always felt loneliness and undercurrent of sexuality from, based on her comments, light touching and
physical contact with me, and the way she moved.

She was about five and a half feet tall, built a little on the thick side, but definitely not flabby or fat.
She was sexy thick, with a bigger than average butt, with a great big butt shape. I had seen black women
in porn and on the streets who had very narrow waists, and huge unbelievably sexy-shaped butts and Bridgett's
looked similar when she wore tight jeans.

She had larger than average boobs but didn't show them off with low-cleavage outfits. She did seem to find
ways to brush my arm with them when I'd help her clean or do dishes or help her with other handyman projects
which I was always happy to do. I was also her computer problem repair guy, as she was not good with the computer
and had a lot of problems with it, usually due to operator error.

She had natural blond hair, beautiful blue eyes, and I had seen pics of her on her refrigerator from ten years
earlier she said, and she was a fucking blond bombshell! One pic where she was playing pool and waiting her turn on
the side of the table, showed her whole body, and she was built like a woman who was made to satisfy a man's
every desire.

She was a little thicker now, but I still found her extremely sexy and had thought of her while masturbating many
times. My favorite was imagining "catching her" fingering her clit spread eagle on her bed, her inviting me to come
to her and taking my head and shoving it into her pussy, and saying,"Let me show you how to eat a real woman's pussy."

She gave me a big hug and a kiss on the cheek and said, "How does it feel to be officially an adult man? I have seen
how you were a strong young man for the last couple of years, since you were 16 years old, but now it's official."

I told her it felt good and she sat me down at the dining room table to eat some birthday cake. She asked me about
the trip and what Sara and I did. I told her about the sightseeing we did and then I told her I met a Hawaiian girl
who was really sweet and we hung out and had a lot of fun together.

I couldn't tell her about Sara, but I wanted to see if she would press me for details about the girl I told her I met.
Immediately her eyes lit up and she said, "Did you hang out with her in your room and have some sexy fun with her?"

I said, "Yes, we had some sexy fun and I experienced new things with her."

Bridgett's eyes got big and she grinned and said, "Like what James? I want details."

I told her the whole story about cleaning the sand out of Sara's butthole with every nasty
detail, including how hot her butthole made me, and I could sense that Bridgette was getting

I went to the bathroom to take a piss and when I came back she was rubbing her pussy with her
right hand down her shorts. She quickly pulled it out and smiled and said, "I'm so happy you
had that sexy fun and learned how to appreciate and lick a girls backhole. It is such a coincidence
and means that it was meant to be. Come to my room, James."

She grabbed my hand and she led me to her room, and I was surprised to see three dildos or vibrators
on her nightstand, and what I assumed was a jar of lube. She said, "This is the surprise birthday present
I'm going to give you since you're now an adult man. I'm going to teach you how to give sexy pleasure to
your girlfriends and future wife in ways that all real women want and crave."

I told her I didn't know what to say and thanked her genuinely. I told her it was a very thoughtful gift,
the best I'd gotten, and will prove so valuable for my future. I also told her that since I was old enough
to appreciate women, I always found her to be very sexy. Especially her shapely and sexy butt.

She smiled and said, "Thank you, and what good timing that after your first backhole licking experience,
you get to practice right away with me. I love when a man licks my backhole, and Wolfgang was very good at it."

I was getting excited now, and asked, "What do you do with those?" pointing at the three dildos.

She said, "I don't need a man anymore, and no man will replace Wolfgang. I use those to have some sexy fun
when I need it. One goes in my fronthole, the other in my backhole, and the third one on my clit."

I said, "That's cool and very hot to imagine. Maybe you could show me how you do that. It would turn me on
seeing you put those into your fronthole and backhole."

She said, "Don't worry James, you're going to get a backhole show that will make you feel very sexy."

I noticed a strange-looking chair that had legs that extended in a crosswise manner, and thick plastic
slats going across the top bars, with nothing in the middle section of about six inches. I asked her
what that chair was for.

She said, "You'll soon see, but I call that my backhole spreader chair." If you want to see what kind of
chair I'm talking about, do a G-search for "fart chair Katrina cox" pick the first result, and the first pic
upper left is a good one.

She told me to grab a folding chair from the patio and set it at the foot of the bed. I went to the patio
to grab the chair and when I came back Bridgett was lying on the bed naked and slowly rubbing her clit
with her legs up and spread.

She smiled and said, "First, you need to know about a woman's sexy parts and how they like you to touch and
lick them."

I unfolded the chair and sat down with my eyes never leaving her "sexy parts."

First, the most important sexy part for a woman is her kitzler, in America, I think you call it clit or clitoris.
All the sexy fun when a woman has an orgasm usually has to include some stimulation by your mouth, tongue, fingers,
a vibrator, or her fingers."

Here's how I like my kitz to be rubbed, and I think it's different for each woman, so you should ask your woman
to show you just like I'm showing you now. I like slow clockwise circular motion with the flat part of the end
part of two or three fingers. I like to alternate between directly rubbing my kitz itself, and rubbing the hood
that covers it so I don't rub my kitz raw."

I was having trouble paying attention because I was taking in the sight of her full wrinkled labia of her pussy
which really turns me on, and trying to get a glimpse of her butthole, which I couldn't really see. Her pussy was
shaved which also turned me on and it was very hot and nasty looking.

"So no matter how long you do other sexy play during the foreplay make sure when she is ready to have big cum that
you are giving her kitz a good rubbing or licking or let her use a vibrator on it. Come on the bed and let me see if
you can rub mine right."

She told me to take my shorts and shirt off and there was no shame here, just teaching a man to be a man.

My cock was already about 3/4 hard and I pulled my shorts off and she said, "Oh, you have a nice one James, I hope
it will fit."

I got onto the bed and she told me to lay on my side in front of her pussy so I could see the motion she was using
and how she would alternate on and off with direct rubbing to her clit, and then rubbing the hood.

I laid in position as she said, her legs were still up, so I put my neck and head under her left leg, and put my face about
a foot from her hot pussy. Now I could get at least a decent peek at her butthole, and from what I could see, she had a nice
one and I could see she had nice lines going out far too like Sara did.

I watched for a few minutes while she instructed me further, and then she said to change positions so that I could
rub her comfortable with two or three fingers with the flat front making contact.

I did, and started mimicking the motion, speed, and what appeared to be the intensity of her rub, in a circular
clockwise motion. She started involuntarily moving her hips to the rhythm of my rubbing and moaning saying, "That's
perfect James, you're a fast learner."

She said, "I think you have the hang of rubbing a woman's kitz, just make sure to have her do it for you so you can
see how she likes it. Do you know how to lick a woman's pussy and bring her to a good cum?"

I had two previous girlfriends, and eating out their pussies was one of my favorite things to do. I love the smell,
taste and feel of a woman's hot pussy and offer to lick the cream out of it after they have cum. Not my jizz, only
cream due to cumming after dildos or pussy licking. They both loved it and always wanted me to lick their pussies and
clits. I think I'm just hugely orally-oriented and I think it's so hot and the ultimate form of intimacy and women
sense that, and it gets them hot.

I said I think so, "Do you want me to show you how I do it?" She said yes, and I started with my long vertical licks
up and down her labia, then expanding the stroke of my lick to include her butthole and go up to her clit. She was
moving and moaning in the sexy way women do when they're feeling intense pleasure, and I love it when they give me
auditory and kinesthetic (the way they move) feedback.

I added a dip into her pussy with my tongue on the way up during the stroke, and when I got to her anus a small dip
of my tongue there too. After a few minutes and more intense body and moaning feedback from Bridgett, I started tongue
fucking both her holes in a very aggressive way, because women want more aggressive action at this point, and I can't
hurt anybody with my tongue. I would spread whichever hole I was about to invade with my tongue, pull that hole open
wide, and fuck it hard several times as deeply as my tongue would go, grunting hard each time, like I was trying to tongue
fuck her hole like I fuck with my cock.

Her "Fronthole" and her "Backhole"--her terms LOL, were responding by flexing on my tongue like they were trying to hold it
in. Bridgett's moaning grew louder and twice she threw her head back into her pillow with her eyes closed--a very good sign.

I started giving her "kitz" more direct licking and sucked her whole clit with my lips and tongued her clit at the same
time. Her whole body would start to shake, and I didn't know if I should try to make her cum or not.

She stopped me, caught her breath, and said, "I don't want to have my orgasm yet. I want to show you my special chair."

She had me move it into the living room and place it near the couch. She had brought the three dildos and lube with her.
She told me to lie underneath the chair with my head underneath and in the middle of the part that had no plastic slats.

I got in position and she sat down on the chair and the two plastic slats closest to the inside gripped her butt cheeks

and spread them apart and her butthole and pussy were spread open very wide.

Now I had a good view of both her holes and they were both hot and nasty looking. Her pussy was large in the sense that her
big wrinkled labia stuck out about half an inch and her pussy was open about an inch and looked like it was ready for
a big cock in it.

Her butthole was amazing and super hot! She had what I call a tore up butthole that had uneven form to her
anus with lumps that looked like she just got fucked hard in her shithole with some very big objects--and it gaped open about a
half inch when she moved her ass on the chair.

I get very horny when I'm with a woman who has a shithole like this, and my dick was getting rock hard now and I was stroking
it slowly.

She threw one of the couch back cushions next to me and said to put it under my head, and first I was going to lick both her
holes and push my tongue in and out of them. I couldn't believe what she was wanting me to do and felt like I was in an erotic
dream that started with Sara and now continuing with Bridgett.

I started licking both holes alternating between her pussy and asshole. I started gently pushing my tongue in each hole, then
got more aggressive and was soon tongue fucking each hole as hard and fast as I could. Bridgett was getting very loud and
at times I thought she would scream.

She said it felt really good and I would make my wife very happy. She told me to get the medium dildo and put some lube on it
and work it into her pussy. The medium one was about ten inches in length, made of rubber, and had a diameter of about two to

two and a half inches. I started working it into her pussy, and it didn't take long for her pussy to be adapted to it and she
said to just fuck it like I would with my penis. Fucking her pussy like that was hot and I could see her fat wrinkled labia
going in and out and it seemed like it was gripping the dildo snugly.

Her butthole was being pulled in and out and I was getting super hot watching this. Luckily I had the smell of her asshole and
pussy on my upper lip from tongue fucking her, so I still had my sense of smell engaged during the hot action.

After a few minutes of fucking her hard with it, she said to lube up the larger one and put it in her backhole. I held the dildo
in her pussy still and started working the big one into her asshole. She repositioned herself so that her asshole would open to the max
and it was an awesome sight to behold.

I worked the dildo into her asshole slowly and then she said, "James, I'm ready, go ahead and push the one in my backhole all the way
in and start alternating pushing both of those into my pussy and backhole."

I pushed the dildo in and she was right, it slid in easily though it was quite large, maybe 3" in diameter. I started alternating
with a stroke that pushed the dildo in her cunt in and the dildo in her asshole out. She said, "That's it, James, just like that."

She asked me to hand her the third toy which was a vibrator. She reached underneath her and put the round head of it right on her
clit and turned it on. She started undulating more and moaning loudly. She told me to fuck her harder with the dildos both at the
same time instead of alternating. I thrust both dildos into her open holes and watched the big one in her asshole tug on her anus which
looked like anus lips. In a few minutes, she started making loud noises and saying things in a near scream in German and her
whole body convulsed, her holes tightened and loosened hard on the dildos and her whole body rocked for about 30 seconds.

She told me to take the dildos out and this was the moment I'd been waiting for. I pulled both out at the same time and watched
her butthole. Her butthole gaped open about an inch and a half and I started jacking my cock hard. She said don't have an orgasm
yet, she wanted me to do that in her backhole.

She got up from the chair, bent her chest on the couch so her butt was facing me. She spread her butt cheeks open wide and both
her holes gaped wide open, and said, "Fuck my backhole James!"

I got my cock into her asshole easily and started off slow and then she said fuck me harder and faster.
I started ramming my cock into her hot shithole and started talking nasty to her:

"Miss Bridgett, your asshole is so hot and feels so good and I can feel you gripping my cock with your rectum!"

"Ohh Miss Bridgett, your shithole is so nasty!"

She said, "Go ahead James, fuck my backhole really hard and then shoot your sperm into it"

I fucked her hard and all the way to the base of my cock and within a few minutes came hard and shot my load into her bunghole.

She continued the show and lesson for about 15 minutes, said I was a great student and would make a girl a very happy wife.

She had to finish with a Wolfgang story, I didn't care, it was worth the listen after what she just gave me.

We hugged and said good night, and I thanked her for being so generous with me.
3 năm trước đây
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đến bmf100 : Unfortunately no, but I have four Big Butthole Girls (LOL my name for them as a group) who will come play with me anytime. With this Covid-19 bitch raging, I haven't seen them since April. It's why I I'm writing stories...to exercise my need for butt eating even by remembering highlights of the past. 
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Do you still have contact with her? She sounds like someone i would visit as much as possible!
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đến luckyguy6969 : I don't have any pics of her. She didn't like being photographed and our relationship became a secret one. It was in the days prior to smartphones and I had a couple of pics of her at lunches or dinners with her daughters, but I lost them when I moved. hottie MILF is a good way to describe her.
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another good one.  ever have any pics of mrs wolfgang?  Sounds like a hottie MILF!
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