Gina's Obsession

The club was located in a very trendy part of town littered with BMW's driven by yuppies fresh from the gym wearing the latest fashions. They were in that prime of life, after college before k**s. And they knew this stage of life was rapidly being replaced with more responsibility, more pressure, less fun; all the more reason to party.

Being married five years, it was not that long ago when Gina would have been right there with them. Her task tonight was to blend in as if that were not true. It shouldn't be that difficult, she thought, she was only twenty eight. She could remember her fair share of wild nights that turned into wild mornings and at times, into wild afternoons. She might not have any recent stories to share, but that wouldn't keep her from listening to others, living through them vicariously for the evening. She could easily do that.

The drinks tasted good and were plentiful. There was a pang of jealousy listening to the escapades of her younger peers, but she really didn't miss the scene...not really. Robert made a good husband and she never regretted getting married. Things had slowed down a bit between them, but she considered that normal.

She bid everyone goodbye and walked across the street to the parking lot where she parked her car. She scanned each row of the parking lot not really remembering where she parked, only that it is was in this lot. She made it to the back row where finally she saw her car tucked in the last spot. There was a light on the building beside the car shining down lighting the way.

She made the quiet walk to her car and began digging in her purse for the keys. That was when she heard the sound. It was not an unfamiliar sound. She had heard it, or something like it, on many occasions. If the truth were known, she was guilty of making something like that herself more times than she cared to think about. It was the fact that she was hearing it now, in a parking lot, which threw her.

Having found her keys, she pulled them from her purse. She was about to put them in the door when curiosity got the better of her. She glanced to her right and saw nothing. She glanced to her left and immediately found the source of the sound.

She saw a man dressed in a business suit leaning against a Jaguar. He was a nice looking man from what she could see. The look upon his face could be mistaken for duress, but it wasn't. With head tilted back, eyes closed, and he was oblivious to the world around him. He couldn't care less who might hear his moans. She resisted putting the key in her door and instead decided to peer around the car next to her so that she might get a better look.

And she was glad she did. For what she saw hit her with such force that she nearly fell over. She saw a second man. This man was on his knees; his mouth was full of the other man's cock.

She was drawn to this unlike anything she had ever seen before. Her breath quickened her palms sweaty. She focused in on the action trying to confirm this unexpected treat. The man on his knees did indeed have a mouthful of cock. And from what she could see, and she could see plenty, he was administering a world class blowjob.

She had never seen two men actually have sex. The affect upon her was strong and immediate. She could feel the dampness between her legs. She knew she should look away. She should afford these two their privacy. But she was not about to turn away from this surprising treat. She was intoxicated by the primitive, primal display before her. The raw sexual intensity captivated her.

Those lips stretched tightly over a rather thick shaft, she could imagine the feel of soft, warm flesh filling his mouth. He moved his lips along its length in a slow, measured way twisting his head from side to side as if he was trying to tear himself away. Or maybe he was establishing the fact that he had total control over that cock, it was his to play with.

Up and down he went, his lips pursed so as to marvel at every inch. With the greatest of ease, he went straight down to the root. And he stayed there a beat longer than one would have expected. A long slow moan, baritone in nature, filled the air. The man's groans seemed to trig a primitive, testosterone-driven, competitive response from the one on his knees, the one sucking on his cock. He slowly began releasing the length, that thick saliva coated shaft into the night air working his way to the tip.

Her panties completely soaked could no longer hold back the tides. Her juices ran freely down the inside of her thighs. Her arousal consumed her, held her, and captivated her senses as she realized just how sexy it was to see one man submit to another.

Slowly, inch after inch came into view until the ridge that formed the mushroom shaped head appeared. What a sight it was. Those lips, those masculine lips pursed gently around the soft warm flesh. She could only imagine what his tongue was doing at that particular moment. She knew what she would be doing. More moans, low and a****listic. And more juice down the inside of her thighs.

Suddenly it came into view. Those lips released their hold; the head popped out and lay excitedly against them. Now she could see most of it, from its beautifully shaped head, down along the thick shaft until it disappeared inside the zipper. What a marvelous specimen, she thought.

Seeing it perched against those lips was generating a tremendous amount of heat between her legs. Her panties were ruined. The sight of that cock, upon those male lips, the very thought of it. She traced back to see his face, the stubble of his beard beginning to show. He was a nice looking man, very masculine. There was not a hint he was gay, that he enjoyed having a cock between his lips. He sported nice bushy eyebrows just below a tussle of hair slinging down from above and ...

She froze. Her heart stopped beating. Her breath solidified in her lungs. The adrenaline shot through her body in an instant. For a long slender finger had come into view. The finger wore a ring, most definitely feminine, and twirled a tuft of that hair around its length. The fingernail was handsomely polished to perfection. Scared to continue, more scared not too, her eyes extended up, up until the woman came into view.

Long dark hair cascaded down to her shoulders past her breasts with a stylish curl. Rather large earrings, with a retro look from the sixties, hung from her ears. A beautiful face, high cheek bones, with bee stung lips covered in lip gloss. And those eyes...a beautiful sensuous brown. They were staring right at her.

There was not the slightest hint of discomfort in them. Nor was there any embarrassment from being discovered. Nor was there any attempt to stop what was happening or in any way hide it from view. There was the glow of arousal, but not the slightest hint of alarm.

As interesting as this new revelation was, she could not resist darting back down to witness the hot male to male action. Those masculine lips were now working their way along the outside of the shaft accompanied by a sensuous tongue softly painting the length with saliva. Gina's senses danced with pleasure. Who could have known this would be so stimulating, so captivating, so intense. She forced her eyes from that thick shaft receiving such loving attention, forced them up to the woman's.

She was not sure how to interrupt the woman's look, but after some time, recognized it as pride. The man on his knees, the one sucking so masterfully, was her husband. That confused Gina to some degree, but then again, not really. It appeared the woman was perfectly content to share this scene, this little taboo of theirs, with her.

Another baritone moan filled the air pulling Gina's eyes back down to the action. That tongue was teasing the underside of the thick shaft, making it dance. The jolt of orgasm rang up through Gina's loins. She bit her lip attempting to remain quiet as the sweet pleasure coursed through her veins. Gina looked back at the woman. Had her gratification been detected?

The woman's look said it all. 'Welcome to the club. It's a very enjoyable club, now isn't it? This club has very special perks as you can see. Yes, I know you are surprised. But please, enjoy your visit'.

Gina lowered her eyes again enveloped in a sexual fog that was most pleasing. It was just in time to see that tongue gently caress the slit coaxing a dollop of pearly white liquid from its grasp. She expended the greatest effort to stifle her own moan as she watched the liquid being consumed.

Slim feminine fingers appeared around the base of the shaft and tightly pulled forward along the shaft. Those male lips puckered, waiting. This part had obviously been experienced before. More pearly white liquid appeared, much more. Those slim fingers moved the head along those masculine lips painting them with that pearly white liquid.

Gina was hypnotized by what she saw. There was no way she could have known. She could not have guessed how sensual, how sexy, how purely erotic watching a man sucking cock could be. Her body responded at every level. Her fascination was absolute.

She watched the liquid gather on his lips as he descended that glorious shaft trying to imagine the sense of taste, the sense of pure maleness he must be experiencing. His loving caress, his uninhibited approach to gratification, his unadulterated devotion to that fat beautiful cock was bringing her close to another orgasm.

And there was the added benefit from his knowing wife, only a few years younger than Gina, feeding that thick shaft to those loving lips. She could only imagine the sights that wife had seen, had helped with in the past, would help with in the future.

Gina's orgasm was stronger this time, ripping up her groin and spreading throughout her mid section culminating in a severe flush to the face. She tried to gain control over her breathing, tried to still the shaking in her arms and legs.

Back and forth along the length he went, slowly gaining speed. Beads of sweat appeared across the forehead of the man being pleasured. He was delirious now, totally beyond reason and hopelessly controlled by those loving lips wrapped around his cock. His body swayed in minute moves. Everything centered on those lips.

Now moans emanated from the husband. His a****l instincts taking over, he was a prisoner of that cock too. Moving as if guide by some magical spell, he praised that hard flesh with his lips and tongue.

Gina found the hem of her skirt and yanked it up. Her finger found her button behind the soaked silk of her panties. The feel of physical contact so late in the game was not at all diminished. Her clit danced in joy at the light teasing, the gentle tapping from her fingertips. She would time this orgasm with them.

Male moans filled the air. Both were locked into a most predictable course of action mere moments away. She locked onto them blocking everything else from her world. As the moans grew more intense, all eyes were drawn to that shaft, those lips. She wanted to see this.

In what appeared to be slow motion, that shaft pulsed, the air filled with a long pleasurable moan and that mouth suddenly overflowed with thick rivers of cum. Her finger pressed hard against her clit causing her third orgasm to flood over her as she committed the sight to that most permanent part of her brain.

Now encapsulated within a tunnel of time, she witnessed the action repeat over and over again. The shaft pulsed, thick rivers of cum flooded his mouth, his Adams apple danced as he swallowed, the excess dripping from his lips and chin. She watched as that man injected one stream of hot thick cum after another straight down that husband's throat. It was the hottest, most arousing, most incredible sight she had ever seen.

Having unloaded gallons of cum, the man withdrew his fat cock from the other's mouth. The woman helped her husband to his feet, her eyes still fixed on Gina. She grabbed a handful of hair and pulled the husband to her. Their lips met, a passionate kiss ensued. She stared at Gina as she took great pride in sharing the prize with her husband.

The husband broke the kiss. Both of their lips were glazed with the prize. He looked into his wife's eyes. But she was looking else where. He turned following her gaze and discovered they were not alone. The husband locked eyes with Gina.

Her flush face hid the guilt she was feeling. But she could see, much like his wife, he was not disturbed. Nor was he the slightest bit embarrassed. He exuded self-confidence in a typical masculine manner. He knew he sucked that cock better than any woman could hope to match and he was damn proud of it.

The business suit got in the Jaguar and the couple got in the Porsche. Within an instant, it was over.

Weak kneed and shaking, she fumbled with her keys as she tried to open her door. Once securely inside her car, she took a deep breath and closed her eyes. She was instantly flooded with just one image; rivers of thick cum pouring down that man's lips and chin.

Her hand went straight to her super slick sex. Seconds later she came again. Cocooned within the safety of her car, screams of ecstasy flew freely. Her practiced finger prolonged her pleasure to the fullest extent. All she could think about was that cock exploding in that man's mouth, cum rolling down his chin. She was hooked.

She gathered herself the best she could, started the car and pulled out onto the street. The car was filled with the smell of sex. She drove home with those images dancing in her head. She had to see that again. Had too. She wasn't sure how, but she decided right there and then that she was going to watch her husband suck cock.

She thought about that woman. Gina wanted to be that woman.

It would be no small task. Her husband was a man's man. She was sure such things never entered his mind. She suddenly imposed her husband on his knees, rivers of cum dripping down his chin. The juices rolled down her legs.

Yes, that's exactly what she would do. She would find a way, she must.

Robert was asleep by the time she got home. Just as well she thought. She reeked of sex and was not ready to explain why. She sneaked into the bathroom and ran a warm washcloth up and down her legs and over her sex. The very thought of why she was running that washcloth over her body filled her mind. She glanced in the mirror and noticed her nipples were hard. Her world had changed forever, she thought.

She slipped into a silk teddy. Quietly she tip-toed into the bedroom and pulled back the covers just enough to get in and snuggled up against her husband. She threw one arm over him and tried to go to sleep. But she couldn't.

She was still very horny. She wanted cock! She lazily moved her hand down her husband's body and began toying with his pubes. Robert began to stir from his sleep. She moved her fingers lower in hopes of finding the beginnings to an erection. He did not disappoint her.

She clasped his growing cock between her fingers and gave it a sensuous tug. She could feel it growing hard, growing longer by the second. She ran her finger over the head teasing it, demanding a response.

His cock was nearly erect when he moaned from his sleep. "How were the girls?"

"Fine" she cooed as she stroked his full blown erection.

"Feeling a little horny, eh?"

"I need some cock" she said matter of factly.

Although Robert was still ascending from a nice sleep, he recognized immediately just how horny she must be. He couldn't remember ever hearing that tone, that insistence. He started to roll over to face her, but she stopped him so that he lay on his back. She tore the covers off of them and moved between his legs.

Robert had a lovely cock. It was long and thick, although not as thick as the cock in the parking lot. She admired how the mushroom shaped head was perfectly in proportion to the nice thick shaft. She loved the male genitalia. She loved that nice thick shaft and the way it sat on top of those balls. Soon her husband would appreciate such things too. The veins were now very prominent as she continued to stroke him. She made a mental note to trim his pubic hair into a nice close crop and to run a razor over his balls.

"You have a beautiful cock, honey. Do you have any idea just how beautiful a nice hard cock is?" she asked watching his cock react to her insistent pumping.

Fully awake now, Robert could feel his senses responding to her. He was not sure what she had in mind, but he knew he was going to love it.

"Well, do you?" she asked again. He thought it had been a rhetorical question. What male didn't think a hard cock was beautiful? Most men lived for a nice hard cock because that meant they were getting ready to feel really, really good. He stared down at his wife. She was crouched between his legs, staring at his cock while pumping it with her hand. He realized that she was actually talking about how it looked.

He had never really thought about it. His thoughts always went to the delicate feminine curves of the female body which he had admired since he was old enough to discern such things. Of course he had manly pride for his cock. He had no complaints. It did have a certain beauty in a rugged sort of way. He could see from her perspective that it was probably quite beautiful.

"Yes, I see what you mean" he said as his breathing grew short and labored.

She leaned in and run her tongue from the base right up to the tip. She flashed him a quick smile and took the head between her lips.

"Mmm that feels good" he moaned.

She darted her tongue over the tip and up his slit. She could feel the juices dripping from her sex. She had her ass tilted up and exposed. IT was if she was begging for someone to take her from behind. The vision of a nice hard cock pushing insistently inside filled her head as she sucked her husband's cock. She moaned around his cock sending shivers up his spine.

She descended his length slowly luxuriating in its feel. The vision in her head turned to the one from the alley. Suddenly she was the husband sucking that cock. She tried to remember what he did, how he sucked cock. She emulated what he did and heard her husband's soft moans filling the air.

If he only knew, she thought. Robert would beg that man to suck him if he knew how good he was.

She bobbed up and down his length slowly enjoying it as if it were the very first time. She could feel the thick tube that ran its length underneath and could taste the juice leaking from the tip.

Yes, if only he knew. But that's not what she wanted. What she wanted was for her husband to know the pleasures of having a cock in his mouth. She wanted him to know the gratification of running his lips down the shaft, from teasing it with his tongue; she wanted him to know what that other husband most certainly knew. Most of all she wanted to watch.

She looked up to find him staring down at her. They locked eyes. She ran her tongue all over the head, up the slit. She made the tip respond to her tongue. She swiped the glistening pearl from the tip and swallowed.

"I love to suck cock. If you only knew how wonderful this was..." She took his entire length into her mouth, right down to the root.

"Oh god" Robert moaned. "Gees Gina...that feels so good."

She worked it several times, tip to base, tip to base. She pulled it from her mouth. "Why yes it does...I love the way if feels." She plopped it back in her mouth and drove back down. She was going to work his cock like never before. She wanted him to cum and cum hard.

"Oooohhh yeah baby...suck that cock....gees are driving me crazy." He could feel it coming. His balls were tightening, his breath was catching. She worked the tip between her lips, back and forth, back and forth. She wanted to taste him.

"Oh shit...yeah...yeah we it comes...Ahhhhhhhhhh."

His cock exploded in her mouth. Rivers of cum flooded in and she swallowed quickly. The vision of that cum rolling down that man's chin filled her head and her pussy contracted. Her orgasm raced through her body. Robert kept pumping sperm into her mouth, but she did not swallow.

Once his spasms subsided, she looked up for his eyes. A moment later, he was looking at her. She pulled his cock from her mouth, but left it against her lips. Then she did something she had never done before.

She opened her mouth and let his sperm drool back out over his cock until it was completely covered, tip to base. Robert moaned. It was so nasty, so hot. Then she worked her tongue up his length gathering it once again with her tongue.

"Mmm yeah baby" Robert cooed. She felt so deliciously sluttish. Once she got to the tip, she let it drool back out over his cock.

"Gees Gina...that looks so fucking hot." He watched as she bathed his cock in cum. His cock was still hard. She ran her tongue along his length coating her lips with cum.

"I love your cum. I love the way it tastes...makes me so horny" she cooed.

Watching her play with his cum was driving him crazy. She kept running her tongue up and down his cock; her lips were covered in it.

Gina quickly moved up, straddled his waist and lowered her dripping pussy down on his cock. She pushed down hard taking all of him. His cock felt so good inside her. She put her hands on his shoulders for balance and started riding him hard.

"God Gina...yeah...fuck me baby...fuck me," Robert panted looking at her cum-coated lips.

She had waited all night for this. Now she had a good stiff prick inside her and it was insanely delicious.

"Your cock feels so good," she screamed rocking it inside her. "I love your fucking cock! I love the way you taste!"

Then a thought flashed through her head. She slipped her finger into her mouth, sucked it once or twice, then pulled it out and pushed it past his lips. His eyes flew open. She had never done that before. She started wiggling her finger in his mouth and he naturally respond with his tongue.

"Suck it, suck it," she screamed now working it in and out like a cock. His tongue was all over it. She knew he had to taste cum. She continued to ride his cock hard.

He did not know what had gotten into her, but he liked it. She was like a woman possessed. He watched her breasts swaying back and forth as she rode his cock violently. And her finger, he sucked madly on her finger.

His orgasm hit him like a truck. He started screaming around her finger as his cock squirted off inside her. And that triggered her orgasm. She held on for dear life as they shared that special moment together.

As the last thrill drained from her body, she took a deep breath and opened her eyes. She leaned in and gave him a kiss. "Thanks. I needed that." She climbed off him and collapsed beside him on the bed.

She was slow to get up the next morning. She found herself alone in bed. She glanced over at the clock and knew she was going to be late for the office. She swung out of bed and went to the kitchen for some much needed coffee.

Robert was sitting at the table finishing the last of his eggs. She glanced at his old dingy white underwear. There was a hole in the side. Yes, things are going to change around here she thought as she poured some coffee.

"Hey there Miss Sexy" Robert said looking up from his paper. "How are you feeling this morning?"

She closed her eyes and took a sip from her mug. She was not used to being hung over. The warm liquid felt good going down. She turned to Robert and said, "Horny."

A lazy smile spread across his face. What in the hell had gotten into her? She damn near killed him last night. After all that, she woke up horny? He could feel his cock stiffen.

"You know honey; I think you should go out with the girls more often" he said.

"Don't I know it" she said thinking about the parking lot. She slipped two slices of bread in the toaster and then walked over and gave him a peck on the lips. She wondered if he remembered kissing her cum covered lips. If he did, would he say anything?

She had always been more adventurous than Robert sexually. That was going to change. It would take some doing, but she was going to watch him suck cock.

She grabbed the toast and her coffee and sat across from him at the table. It was a glass top table and she could see that he had half a chubby working for him. That cock was getting ready to get a whole lot more attention in the days to come. She took a bite of her toast and moved her foot up to his crotch. She used her toes to massage that bulge into something much larger.

"Mmm" she cooed. "Looks like I'm not the only one that's horny this morning." She allowed herself an inner smile.

"Hey, cut it out" he said half-heartedly. "You are going to make me late for the office. What's gotten into you?"

"I'm going through a cock phase," she said running her tongue along her toast.

He could see her hard nipples poking through her teddy. Now he was thinking about last night. She was a wild woman. He remembered how she did that thing with his cum. His cock throbbed underneath her toes. She smiled.

"What exactly does that mean?" he asked.

"You know how sometimes you go through phases in life and you can't seem to get something out of your mind? Well, I am going through a phase like that right now. And that thing cock. I am going through a cock phase. That means that you are going to go through a cock phase too," she said running her toes down to his balls. "Do you have a little something in there for me this morning?"

" much as I like your blowjobs, I have an early meeting this morning. I have to get out of here" he said.

"Then I had better hurry" she said diving underneath the table crawling between his legs. She pulled his underwear down to free his cock. Yes, this cock was going to be very happy the next couple of weeks. She took the head between her lips and heard Robert moan. She quickly brought him to orgasm and swallowed most of his cream. She got up from under the table, bent down and gave him a kiss.

"Now you can go," she said with a smile.

He just stared at her with a blank look on his face as she left the room. He knew the salty taste lingering in his mouth was sperm. He should have been mad. This was not like her. She should have asked, or at least, told him what she was going to do. He always assumed it would taste bad, but it didn't. He looked down as the last little bit leaked out on his thigh thinking it did not taste bad at all.

His thoughts were never far from her all day. He got home before she did that evening. It had been a long day given that it was Friday. Usually Friday's went by pretty quick. Not only had the day lasted forever, but he had been horny most of the day.

Gina came in carrying several sacks. "Hi babe" she said dropping one of the sacks by the TV and carrying the rest into the bedroom.

"What's in the sacks? Do some shopping?" he asked.

"You'll see soon enough. Pour me a drink" she called out from the bedroom. She came out minutes later wearing the sexiest little outfit. It was a black and white polka dot camisole top that plunged between her breasts with matching panties that tied in cute little bows at the hip. She completed the look wearing stockings and high heels.

"Wow!" Robert said handing her the drink. "That looks really hot!"

She ran her hand up his crotch. "I was hoping you would say that. I bought you a little something too. It's lying out on the bed."

"Is this more of the cock phase?" he asked with a smile.

"Mm hmm." She ran her tongue along the rim of her glass and took a sip.

"You must be k**ding! I can't wear this," he yelled from the bedroom. She smiled. "You better!" She stepped over to the bar. What he needed was a nice strong drink.

A minute later, he walked out of the bedroom wearing black nylon briefs. They were an Italian cut, low rise, tight in the crotch with about half his ass cheeks hanging out in the back. His cock lay prone against the sheer nylon and every little detail could be seen. His cock brushed against the cool nylon with each step. He did not want to admit it, but the damn things were making him hard.

"That looks very nice," she said handing him the drink. He had always worn white cotton briefs. However, she thought he looked stunning in the black nylon briefs. And she could see his cock was responding rather nicely to them.

He took a sip from his drink and stared at her. She looked so damn hot in that little outfit. He was not sure what to think about this phase, this cock phase she had called it. Maybe that was just something women did. Whatever it was, he was starting to like it.

"I even got some porno for later," she said smiling at him. She watched his face grow red. They had never watched porno's together. Suddenly he tried to picture her walking around in one of those stores, but could not.

"I have to admit I like this cock phase. Tell me, are there any other phases you might go through?" he asked. He was half k**ding, but only halfway.

She gave him the cutest little smile. "Would that be so bad?" Her hand found its way down to his crotch. He was well on his way to full erection.

"N-no, not at all" he said quickly hoping she had not gotten the wrong impression.

"I'm glad you like your new underwear. It looks very sexy," she said. Although he was not a muscle man, he was certainly in good shape. He rode a bicycle four days a week and played basketball with his buddy every Sunday for hours. At thirty years old, he did not need to do too much to stay trim.

The sexy black underwear gave him an edge, an edge she liked. She could not resist removing his cock from the black nylon. She stroked him once or twice making him even harder.

"Have you ever seen anything more beautiful than a nice hard cock? Look at it honey. Have you? I just love the curve right here, the nice thick shaft. Don't you think?" she asked.

Once again, he found himself studying his cock. Well, it was rather attractive he thought watching it disappear between her lips. Man he loved this fucking cock phase.

Dinner was good, but it was no comparison to watching her walk around in that cute outfit. They should have been doing this all along. Hell, he was even getting used to the nylon underwear he was wearing. He had been hard ever since he put them on.

"I'll mix some fresh drinks and then we can watch a movie" she said.

He had forgotten about the movies. He watched her walk over to the bar where she mixed their drinks. She noticed his cock pushing lewdly against the tight nylon upon her return.

"Mm that looks good honey," she said handing him the drink. "Pull it out for me."

He could feel his face turn red at the suggestion. But he lowered his hand and freed his cock.

"I want you to masturbate for me. Show me how you play with it when I'm not here" she said.

His face just turned redder. He had never masturbated in front of her before. But he slowly started stroking his cock anyway. He loved the way she watched him. It made him feel sexy.

"Don't you just love the feel of a nice hard cock?" she asked teasingly. "I wonder what you think about when you masturbate. I bet it is hard not to think about that nice, thick shaft between your fingers. Do you like the way it feels?" she whispered.

He looked down at her. She was staring at his hand wrapped around his cock. He could see the lust in her eyes. He had stroked his cock a million times, but at that moment, it felt better than ever before.

"Yes, I like the way it feels" he said.

"Is that the only cock you have ever felt?" she asked simply. The question caught him by surprise. She glanced up at him. "It is, isn't it?" He nodded his head yes. "That's a shame. They come in so many shapes and sizes. They all feel good."

She rose to her feet and then stepped up on the couch and threw her leg over his head. Her crotch was now over his head. He looked to see the wet spot that had formed in her panties. He could see the delicate folds of her sex outlined by the damp silk.

"Lick it," she whispered as she lowered herself down to his lips. She could feel the strength of his tongue as it slid across her sex. "Don't stop stroking...I like watching you."

He loved to lick her pussy. He stuck his tongue into the crease of her panties and toyed with her. She started rocking herself back and forth while watching him stroke.

"You like that baby? Does that taste good?" All he could do was moan.

"Did that cum taste good this morning?" She pushed down hard on his lips. "Well, did it?" He moaned again as those thoughts filled his mind.

"I bet you loved it," she said. "I have been thinking about it all day." She could feel his tongue probing. She reached down and pulled the silk of her panties to the side. His tongue immediately found its way deep inside her pussy. "Yeah...lick that pussy," she hissed. He was not used to hearing her talk this way. His hand sped up on his cock as her juices flooded his face. He wanted this to last forever, but his orgasm was fast approaching.

"Play with that cock, baby. Do it!" He ran his tongue up her juicy folds making her quiver. "I want you to do that to someone else...while I watch. Pump his cock...make him cum all over your hand..."

That was it. His first shot came flying out. It must have gone up five or six inches high before arching over and landing on his stomach. Robert moaned vigorously into her pussy. Several more spurts flew out landing everywhere. Gina saw the whole thing. She could see he was really getting off to her suggestion.

"Yes, yes, yes" she cried watching his hand milk his cock, "make him cum."

She reached down and scooped up a big blob on her finger. She rose off his face and immediately pushed her finger into his mouth. He was surprised, but took her finger into his mouth.

"That's it baby. Taste him," she said keeping up the illusion.

He sucked the cum off her finger and swallowed. She scooped up the rest and fed it to him. She was surprised, but quite pleased that he did not resist. She bent down and kissed him. Then she cuddled up against him as they both caught their breath.

"Nice" she said. He mumbled an approval.

They rested for several minutes without saying a word. There was no question that they both had great orgasms. Robert loved her talking dirty. He actually found himself thinking about jacking off another guy just as she had suggested. He was surprised how much he got off to it. Of course, it was just fantasy.

Finally Gina stirred from her sexual daze. "Damn baby! We need to give that a shot one of these days." She leaned down and licked his cock clean before pulling the briefs back into place.

She rose up and gave him a kiss. She could taste cum in his mouth. It drove her crazy. She moaned and drove her tongue against his. What was going to be a peck turned into a hot passionate kiss.

"Mm...I like that" she said staring him in the eye. "Do you like that?"

"Yeah...funny, I didn't think... but yeah, not bad."

His orgasm had been very powerful and quite enjoyable. There was just one problem. The evening had just started and he was already out of gas. He must have cum a gallon and worried that he was done for the night. He kicked himself for it, but what else could he do? At least she had had an orgasm too, so maybe she wouldn't be too upset.

He watched her walk over to the bar to make new drinks. Her ass looked so sweet in that cute little outfit. He loved watching her walk in those heels. She brought him a drink and gave him a kiss.

"Now, I wonder what we should watch first" she asked picking up the sack of movies. She pulled one out and read the title. "The Bi Boys are back? Hey, these are not my movies!" She pulled the next one out, "Take the Bi Way. My sack must have gotten mixed up with someone else's."

"That's ok honey. I'm sure we can find something to watch on the satellite."

"Hang on a minute" she said handing him the box. The back of the box contained pictures of two men and a woman. They were in bed together and the woman was stuffing the guy's mouth with cock.

"Oh man, this is gay stuff. Look at this!" he said handing the box back to her. She looked at the pictures and hoped she looked sufficiently surprised.

"Well they are not really gay. There is a woman and she certainly seems to be enjoying herself." Then in a lowered voice, "Have you ever watched anything like this?"

"Hell no."

"Well, neither have I. But these are paid for; I'm going to watch them. Come on, watch it with me?" She gave him her cutest little pout with big puppy dog eyes. He looked at her and knew he was going to loose.

"What the hell?" he said.

Gina slipped in the movie and took her seat next to Robert on the couch. She was doing her best to contain her excitement, but she had been looking forward to this moment all week.

Gina picked up the remote and hit Play. Her hand naturally went to Robert's lap and sat atop his nylon covered cock. It was a typical porno in that the acting was pretty bad and the production values were not that great. There was a husband and wife sitting in a bar having a drink. It was pretty obvious they were checking the guys out with the intent of taking one of them home for a threesome.

Robert could feel a flush in his face. He had seen plenty of porno's before. Hell, he had masturbated his way through college watching them. He was particularly fond of the cum shot. That was where the guy finally comes and makes a big production spraying it all over some girl or girls as the case may be. That was usually when he came as well.

But watching a porno with his wife felt a little strange. He wasn't so sure that it was a good idea. And this porno was bisexual with guys together. He didn't really care what people did in the privacy of their bedroom. That was their business. But he wasn't sure he needed to watch it.

It was clear that the woman would be the one doing the picking up. She was gorgeous and dressed to the nines. There wasn't a man on Earth that would turn her down. She makes eyes at a guy and he joins them at their table. They share a bunch of stupid dialogue and the three of them walk out of the bar.

Robert was feeling a bit strange and wasn't sure why. Was he getting a buzz from the booze? His face felt flush and there was a slight tingle in his fingertips. It seemed to him that his tongue felt a bit swollen as well.

Now the three of them are back at the couple's house. More stupid dialogue. The woman unzips the guy's pants and pulls out his cock.

"My god! Look at that cock" Gina said.

Robert looked and the guys cock was huge, porn star huge. And it wasn't even all the way hard. It just hung out of his zipper like a slab of beef. What's worse, Robert could feel his cock starting to grow. That was exactly what he didn't want to happen.

"Isn't it beautiful?" she asked looking at him. For reasons he couldn't explain, he could see what she was talking about. It was nicely shaped and of course huge. And it was getting bigger all the time.

"Yeah, nice" he said in a very uncommitted tone.

The camera pans to the other guy and his cock. There is a certain glaze to his eyes at he looks at the huge cock just hanging out of the other guy's zipper. "Mm, he has a nice one too. What do you think honey?"

Robert found himself studying the other guys cock. It was easy to do as he was completely shaved. His cock was probably six or seven inches long, much closer to Robert's size. Robert saw the way the guy was looking at the other cock. There was a hunger in his eyes, no mistake about it.

"Yeah, that ones nice too."

"Now that's my kind of woman...two cocks" Gina said with a smile.

Robert raised his eyebrows. What? Did he hear her right? Would Gina like to have two cocks? Robert wasn't sure how he felt about that. He would probably be jealous. But then he thought about watching another guy fucking Gina. And well...that was just hot. He glanced at Gina. She sure seemed excited.

The woman slips her hand around that huge cock and motions for the husband to slide over. He scoots up next to her and she offers him that cock. The husband smiles, the wife smiles. The husband takes that huge cock between his lips. That's when the guy with the huge cock smiles.

"Look at that honey. Now that is hot!" Gina said watching the guy suck that cock. She turned to Robert. "Don't you think that is hot?"

Robert watched as the guy worked that huge cock like his life depended on it. Well, if you are going to suck cock, you might as well suck the best he thought. And that huge cock looked pretty close to the best Robert had ever seen, not that he had seen many. Robert's cock was fully erect now and straining against his briefs. Gina had her hand around it using the nylon to tease him.

"Yeah pretty hot" Robert said before he caught himself. Gina was very pleased with his answer. She was determined to get more from him. She ran her long fingernail over the nylon that encapsulated his cock.

"Look at that honey" Gina said. "His lips are stretched so tightly over that huge cock!" She turned to Robert, "I have never seen two guys go at it before. This is hot."

Robert could see just how interested she was. She pulled his cock out and started stroking it. He was so fucking hard. "Look at that honey. That guy really knows how to suck cock."

Surprisingly Robert was thinking the same thing. He had never watched gay porn before, but now that he was, it wasn't too bad. He realized immediately that guys suck cock differently than women. They do a much better job.

"You are so hard" she said stroking his cock, "this is making me horny too."

That huge cock was totally hard now and must have stuck out of that zipper a foot. The other guy did his best to get as much as he could in his mouth, but there were still several inches between his lips and the other guy's pants.

The guy sucking looked like he had fallen into a trance. He had this rhythmic motion going where he would go down and then back up. Robert saw the look on his face and identified with it. He knew that feeling. It was pure lust. It was that place where nothing else existed. Robert had felt that many times while licking Gina's pussy.

This gay stuff was really making him horny and that was throwing him. He wouldn't have thought so before, but there was no denying that his cock was harder than it had ever been before.

"Do you like that? Does that make you horny?" Gina asked squeezing his cock really hard as she pulled her hand up its length. "It's sure making me horny. Feel how wet I am."

Robert slipped his hand over to her lap and found one big puddle. Man, she was really getting off to this! Maybe she did want to try two guys. This imaged flashed in his brain. Gina was sucking his cock while another guy was behind her ramming his cock into her pussy.

"I think you like it too. Look how hard you are?" she said pumping his cock. He looked back at the screen. He was embarrassed, but he could not deny how hard his cock was.

"I love the way he does his lips" Gina said. "You can tell he loves doing that..." Robert watched the guy's lips. Yeah, she was right. He loved sucking that cock.

"Gee honey, I've never seen you so hard. I'm glad you like watching gay porn. I do too. Watching two guys is really hot. My hand is getting tired. Here, you take over for a while." She put his hand around his cock and he naturally started stroking.

And just like that, she had her husband stroking his cock watching gay porn!

And she loved it.

She lay back against the couch and watched him. His eyes stared at the screen while he pumped his cock. She watched for a minute or two savoring her victory. Then she moved up to his ear and whispered, "I like watching you handle that cock. Cocks are so fun to play with. I need to watch you play with cock more often. You'll do that for me, won't you? You'll play with cock...if I ask." She licked his ear sending a shiver through him.

She dropped back against the couch. He kept pumping his cock watching that thick cock on the screen. She pulled her panties to the side and started playing with her clit. She didn't last three seconds.

"Oh god...yes, mmmm...yes, yes, yes" she moaned as she nursed her orgasm with her finger. Robert's eyes darted from the screen to his wife and back to the screen. This was so fucking hot! Gina never masturbated in front of him before.

Gina moved up against him and slipped her fingers into his mouth. She whispered in his ear, "Suck that for me baby." She felt his tongue caress her fingers, lick her juice from them.

"I love watching you play with cock" she purred. "Use your tongue baby. I want to feel your tongue" she instructed. She started working her fingers slowly over his lips in a nice sensuous manner. "Now slow down a little...explore my finger with your tongue...let me feel you explore..."

His tongue slowed way down. He started running it sensually along the length of her finger. And when he got to the end he flicked it over the tip. Gina smiled to herself. "Yes honey...just like that" Gina said working them back and forth making his tongue chase them. "That feels so good...doesn't it feel good to have something in your mouth..."

The guy on the screen started moaning really loud and Robert knew this was going to be the cum shot. The guy started driving his cock into the other guy's mouth. Now that was fucking hot, Robert thought. The guy was literally fucking the other guys mouth. Robert pounded his cock harder. Then the guy pulled his cock from his mouth and started pumping it while aiming it at the guy's face.

Holy Shit! He's not going to... The first spurt splashed across the other guy's face. Oh man look at that! The guy jams his cock back in the other guy's mouth and moves his hands to the back of his head holding him down on his cock. Robert saw the muscles in his ass contract as he filled the other guys mouth full of cum.

Robert reached up and pulled Gina's fingers from his mouth. He grabbed her and through her on the couch. He took his steel hard cock and pushed it into her. She was so fucking wet his cock went straight in. They both moaned in unison.

"Fuck me stud! Fuck me with that hard cock" Gina yelled. She never talked nasty before. Robert loved it. He drove his cock into her like a man possessed. He couldn't believe how horny he was. His head was spinning. His cock was so hard he could fuck twenty women.

Each stroke felt so good. She was so fucking wet. He looked over at the screen. Now it was the other guys turn. He was working his cock into the other guy's mouth. Man, he couldn't believe this gay stuff was making him so fucking horny. He pumped Gina.

"Yeah, watch him baby... watch him suck that cock. You like that cock sucking" she taunted from underneath him. "That cock looks good in his mouth...look how he sucks it...he loves that love watching him too."

Robert was driving his cock into her. Fucking her never felt so good. She was talking so nasty. He could feel himself spinning out of control.

He felt something at his lips. It was Gina. She shoved her fingers back in his mouth. "Here...suck my cock. I want you to suck my cock!" It was the power of suggestion. Suddenly he was sucking cock. "Use your tongue baby...just like I taught you." He started caressing her finger, but now he was sucking cock. He pumped his cock into her and sucked cock...just like the guy on the screen.

The guy on the screen started pumping cum into the other guy's mouth. Robert sucked hard on Gina's finger. He was blindsided by the most powerful orgasm of his life. He jammed his cock as deep as he could into Gina and felt his balls literally pumping gallons of cum into her. He screamed around her fingers. Everything seemed to be happening at once. His body trembled and shook. His cock kept exploding.

Then he collapsed in a heap on top of her and floated off to la-la land. Gina could feel his cock inside her, throbbing. He was still hard as diamonds. He laid there for several minutes trying to pull himself together. What a fucking orgasm! He had never cum like that before, ever.

He managed to pull himself free of her and fell back against the couch. His cock was still hard and glistened with their juices.

Gina could feel his sperm leaking out of her. He had cum like a bull. She smiled over at him. His cock was standing straight up from his lap.

"Damn stud! That was hot" She ran her finger down her crotch and gathered some of his cum. He watched as she dabbed it on each of her nipples. Man that looked so hot. She looked at his erection and smiled. "This gay stuff really does it for you. Keep that thing hard while I go clean up. I'll be right back."

Robert found himself sitting alone on the couch stroking his cock. He couldn't believe his cock was still hard. He had cum twice! He looked up at the screen and saw the two guys again. The woman was no where to be found. The guys were locked in a sixty nine sucking each other's cock at the same time. Man it looked nasty. He couldn't believe he was still so fucking hard.

Man they sure made it look good he thought. He glanced nervously at the door. Gina was gone, he was alone. He wrapped his hand around his cock and gave it a lazy stroke. Sucking cock wouldn't be so bad, he thought. He could just imagine one doing something and the other one doing it back. What would that feel like?

Gina went to the bathroom and checked herself in the mirror. Man this was turning out better than she had hoped. She ran her finger down to her pussy. She was oozing cum. She coated each nipple with a liberal amount. Then she got some more and coated her lips. She puckered her lips in the mirror. You couldn't see it, but boy you could sure taste it. She smiled. She brushed her hair real quick and headed back to the den.

She peered through the doorway of the den and loved what she saw. There was her husband jacking off watching gay porn! She wasn't about to break that up. She glanced at the scene to see the two guys in a sixty nine. Perfect! Her finger naturally went to her clit. She would wait until they came in each other's mouth before going back in. She wanted Robert to get a nice long look at those nasty boys drinking cum.

Neither one of those guys looked gay, Robert thought. They were both buff too. Every muscle was perfectly defined. Clearly they both loved to suck cock. They made it look so good. He wondered what it would be like to suck cock. It couldn't be that hard. All you would have to do is what felt good to you. How hard could that be? He couldn't believe how much Gina liked watching those guys. She had been so wet.

The two guys started moaning again. Robert started pounding his cock harder. They were going to cum and he was going to cum with them. Then it happened. They both came at exactly the same time. It was a double cum shot!

Gina watched Robert pumping his cock as those boys swallowed all that cum. She was on the verge of orgasm herself. But she decided she would rather cum with Robert's cock inside her.

She walked in the den. Robert had almost forgotten about her. He felt slightly embarrassed pumping his cock like he was. She gave him a smile, straddled herself over him and lowered herself down on his cock.

"Mmm, you feel so good" she said. She leaned forward and gave him a nice long kiss. She pushed her tongue inside his mouth and started playing with his. Then she pulled free and said, "Suck my nipples baby. Suck them while I ride your nice hard cock." She leaned forward offering her breasts.

Robert smiled. Her nipples were so hard. She was so horny. Man he loved this. He leaned forward and took her left nipple between his lips. Gina smiled down at him as he nursed on it. That's my boy, she thought.

Her nipple tasted tangy. Then he remembered. He flicked his tongue gently over it several times. Yeah, that was good. Then he started sucking it.

She rocked back and forth on his cock. Everything was going just right. God he felt good inside her. She wanted to see Robert suck cock so bad.

"That's so hot baby. Now, do the other one" she said. Robert moved to her other nipple and sucked it between his lips. "Yeah baby...suck it" Get used to that taste, she thought, get used to swallowing that cum.

"Can you taste that sperm? Can you? That is so hot."

The more she talked, the more excited he became. His cock was so hard. All he could taste was sperm. The very thought made him horny. "Oh god Gina...get ready...oohhh...arrrrgggghhhhhh!" His cock exploded inside her.

"Yes, yes, yes" she screamed feeling his cum fill her. She rode his cock until his spasms stopped. He pulled his cock from her and collapsed on the couch.

But she was not through with him yet. She scooted over by him and turned around. Then she propped herself above him and lowered her pussy to his lips while taking his still twitching cock between her lips in a torrid sixty nine.

As soon as he opened his mouth to moan, Gina pushed a big load of cum from her pussy right into his mouth. His hands raced up and grabbed her hips. Then he pulled her down hard on his face and he literally sucked his cum from her pussy.

It was so hot, so erotic and incredibly exciting. He sucked hard causing Gina to orgasm really hard. "Shit! it...suck that pussy." She could feel his tongue probing her. In her mind's eye she could see all that cum flowing into his mouth. More ripples coursed through her body. "Suck it, drink that cum!" She couldn't wait to get a dick in his mouth.

Robert awoke the next morning to Gina lazily playing with his cock.

"Good morning Mr. Sexy." A smile spread across his face. "You were pretty hot last night. I like that in a man."

"You were pretty hot yourself."

Gina took his hand and placed it on his cock. Then she kissed him. She kept kissing him until he started stroking it. She ripped the covers back and put her head on his chest so she could get a good look. He could feel her eyes on his cock. This was the second time he had masturbated for her. It struck him as a little weird, but then it started to feel good and he didn't care.

She brushed her lips against his nipple. She could feel his body jerk. She smiled. His nipples had always been so sensitive. "Those guys were really hot last night." Another lick. "You really got off to watching them." Another lick. "So did I." Lick. "I had no idea it would be so hot...I love watching guys suck cock."

He would never have guessed watching gay porn would make him so horny, but it did. His cock felt like steel all night long. Watching made her horny too. She had been a wild woman. He had been pretty wild himself. He played last night over again in his head. He did things he never even thought about. But it was all good. He would do it again in a heartbeat.

She watched his hand tightened, then pull harder.

"I had no idea gay porn would make you so hard." Lick "You sure rocked my world." Lick. "We should watch that stuff every night" she giggled.

Of course he was not aware that she had laced his drink with Viagra. That would be her little secret.

He was stroking harder now. She reached down and held his balls. God that felt good, he thought. She nursed on that nipple. He could feel the orgasm coming. He was almost there. She was so wet. "I love watching you play with cock" she said. That was it. She watched as cum shot out of his cock, arched up and landed on his belly. She watched his hand milk every last drop out.

She ran her finger through the cum and coated his nipple. He jerked with excitement. "Feels good, doesn't it?" He thought about last night. She ran her tongue around his nipple licking it up. He squirmed and moaned as his body reacted. He knew exactly what that felt like, how it tasted. It was if he was doing it with her.

He felt her finger at his lips urgently trying to get in. He opened up quickly. His mouth filled with that tangy taste. She held her fingers firmly in place. He was getting to where he liked this little game. The cum dripped down on his tongue and filled his mouth.

She smiled around his nipple. She pulled her fingers free and scooped up more from his belly. She reached back up searching for his lips. He leaned forward to capture them, sucked them between his lips. She smiled again releasing his nipple. "Use your tongue. I want to feel your tongue" she said moving up so she could watch. He started running his tongue along her finger tasting the cum. "That is so hot" she purred working her finger back and forth like a cock. "You are so good to me" she smiled. She scooped all of the remaining cum and covered his lips with it. Then she leaned in and kissed him.

She broke the kiss and looked at him. "You are wonderful." He smiled. "There is just one more thing we need to do. Follow me." She jumped out of bed and headed to the bathroom and he followed. "Now you sit right there" she said pointing to the pot. He sat down on the lid.

She looked through a drawer and pulled out a pair of scissors. He was about to protest, but she spoke first, "Now, now, I know what I'm doing. Just go with it." She made him spread his legs as wide as they would go and crouched down between them. She took his cock in one hand and held it out of the way and started cutting his pubes with the scissors. She didn't cut it off entirely, but she did cut it pretty close.

She could feel him getting hard in her other hand and pretended not to notice. By the time she was through, he was fully erect. She put the scissors down and picked up a warm washcloth. She ran it over his balls a few times and then picked up a razor. With the greatest of skill, she shaved his balls smooth.

"Now that's more like it" she said admiring her work. His cock was obscenely hard. She aimed it at her mouth and sucked it between her lips. Once again he watched as she lovingly brought him to orgasm. He had never had so many orgasms in his life.

She released his cock and found his lips. This time she pushed a mouthful of sperm into his followed by her tongue. It was a passionate kiss. She moved so that his head was tilted back and kissed him until every last drop was gone.

It was Sunday, which meant Thad would be coming by soon. He and Robert worked out together at the gym. They usually played basketball for an hour or so and then hit the weights. Thad was the only one of Robert's friends who had not married. And Gina thought she knew why. He was a hottie and a hunk, why blow a good deal? Robert never talked about it, but she imagined Thad had quite the sex life.

She wondered what they talked about while they were together. She knew they talked shop, but she wondered if they talked sex. Would Robert share their recent exploits with him? Did Thad share his conquests with Robert?

Somehow she just couldn't see Robert telling Thad about how his wife had been feeding him cum all night while watching gay porn. Then she pictured Robert on his knees, like that man in the parking lot, sucking on Thad's cock. She wondered if Thad had a big one. She could feel the dampness between her legs. Would Robert suck Thad's cock? It was an interesting question. She had never thought of it before now.

She stopped right there. She was playing with fire. Robert and Thad had been friends for years. She would never forgive herself if she ruined their relationship. Besides there was not the slightest chance in hell that either of them would give it a try.

They played one on one half court hoops. Thad could see that Robert was really dragging. "What's wrong married man? Dragging your ass today." Robert took the ball and headed right up the middle. It was a nice lay up, but it damn near killed him.

"Wild night last night...but I still got what it takes to beat you" he huffed and puffed.

"Hey, good for you. You are the only married guy I know who can say that." Robert shot him a grin. Hell, if he only knew.

"So tell me man, you getting plenty of sex? A single guy like you, young, good looking, making money. What's the story?"

"Don't you know it, BA-BE" Thad said in an exaggerated tone. He glanced at Robert and saw he was serious. Thad straightened up, "Yeah well, it's not bad. You know how it goes, sometimes you win, sometimes you loose" he said seriously.

Robert had been married five years. Was he keeping Gina happy? He tried too, but was never too sure if he was succeeding.

They played two more points. "So what's the 411 on marriage? What am I missing?"

"Hey man, it's like anything else. Sometimes it's good, sometimes it could be better" Robert said. "You just try to figure out what they want...then give it to them. That's the best you can do."

"I'll say this man. The guy's I know who are married have died. You know what I mean? The first couple of years are great, but then something happens. They fall into a rut or something, I'm not sure. Then they become the walking dead. I don't need any of that. That's why I stayed single. If things go stale, I move on. Life is short, know what I mean?"

Robert knew exactly what he meant. But what Thad didn't know was how hard it was keeping something fresh day after day with the same person. It wasn't easy.

"That's why I said it was good to hear you had a wild night. Married guys usually don't say that. And that's a shame. I'm pulling for you man. You keep having wild nights" Thad said with a smile.

They played ten more points and hit the showers. Robert was soaping up when he looked down at his crotch. Shit! He had completely forgotten about his trim job. He turned away from Thad and looked the other way. Damn! He was not ready to take any shit off Thad.

They finished the shower and got dressed in the locker room. Thad hadn't commented. Maybe he hadn't noticed. They got in the car and Thad dropped him off at the house.

"Hey man, same time next Sunday?" Thad asked.

Robert smiled. "Oh yeah. I'm kicking your ass next time."

Thad drove off wondering what kind of shit Robert and Gina were into. Whatever it was, it looked pretty kinky.

The next week was pretty crazy. Gina woke Robert up each morning stroking his cock. Once he was awake, she replaced her hand with his and watched him stroke himself as she sucked on his nipple. That always drove him crazy and he came all over the place. Gina would scoop it and fed it to him. And she did the same thing in the evening's right after he got home. And if he was up to it, they would make love before going to bed. And she fed that to him as well.

He had never had more sex in his life. They spent the evenings walking around in next to nothing. She replaced all of his old underwear with Italian briefs. He was constantly bombarded with eye candy and so was she. He was not complaining. He liked his new underwear. He certainly liked watching her walk around in hers.

He was developing a real taste for cum. Yes, he knew it was wrong. He knew he couldn't tell anyone about it. But it was hot and it was really starting to turn him on. He was letting his kinky side come out and play just as Gina had suggested. She really got off to it and he had never seen her hornier.

It was Friday and he couldn't wait to get home. He had been thinking about her all week. But things kept coming up at the office and he ended up working a few hours later than normal.

Finally he made it to the house and walked in the door, "Hi honey. I'm home." But there was no response. That was odd. He put his briefcase down, fixed himself a drink and started looking for her. It didn't take long.

He peeked in the den and saw her on the couch. She was alone on the couch with her skirt hiked up. She was masturbating. His cock grew hard instantly. This was something he rarely saw. Oh sure, she had him masturbate all the time now, but she never did it for him. He loved watching her. He glanced at the TV and saw that she was masturbating to two guys. Yes, they were sucking cock. And she was really getting off to it.

He knew how much she liked it. He was no fool. It wouldn't be long before she would be asking him to do it, do it for her. He had pretty much made up his mind that he would give it a try although he hadn't told her that.

It was all he could do not to yank his cock out and get off with her, with them. But instead he just watched. The guys on the screen were very close to climax. He loved the way she teased her clit with her finger. He could see that she was timing herself to climax with them.

The guy on the screen was almost there. 'Suck that cock...I'm going to fill you with much cum...that's what you want isn't can't wait to taste that cum...suck that cock...' Gina's finger was a blur. And then the cum shot. He pulled his cock from the other guy's lips and started hosing him down. He shot wad after wad all over the guy's face until he was completely covered. And Gina climaxed right along with them.

Robert walked into the room. His cock was so hard he couldn't stand it. He wanted nothing more than to rip his clothes off and drive his cock straight into her. He wanted to fuck her so bad!

She was startled by his entrance, but motioned him to sit on the couch beside her. "Here baby" she said driving her juicy fingers between my lips. "Suck." He caressed her fingers with his tongue. He had gotten pretty good at it lately. Usually they were covered with cum, his cum, but she tasted just as good. She worked them back and forth watching his lips.

"I have a surprise for you tonight" she said. Then she looked down at his crotch and saw his erection. Her other hand went to it and squeezed it. "So hard" she said. She fumbled with his zipper trying to get it down, but was having trouble. His hand went to help and freed his cock. Of course he wrapped his fingers around it and started pumping.

"That's with that know how I love to watch you play with cock."

She lazily worked her fingers back and forth past his lips as he stroked my cock. The screen filled with two new guys. One of them was the guy from last weekend, the one with the huge cock. There he was again, nice and hard, teasing another guy with that huge cock of his.

"Here, you watch this and I will be right back" she said. She got up from the couch and walked over to the bar. She pulled a glass from the shelf and filled it with ice. She picked up the bottle of whiskey and poured a good two shots in it. Then she opened the drawer and pulled out a Viagra. What he didn't know wouldn't hurt him, she thought. She broke it up in her hand and laced the drink with it filling the rest with water. She smiled inwardly as she headed back to the couch.

She watched Robert pump his cock to gay porn. She could feel the juices running down her leg. She handed him the drink and said, "Enjoy yourself baby. I'll be back in a minute."

Robert watched the action wondering what it would be like to have a cock that fucking big. All the gay boys sure seemed to love it. They couldn't get enough of that cock. And the guy really had a good time teasing them with it. He would pull it out and slap their face. He just taunted them with it.

Gina walked back in and Robert knew something was up from the look on her face. Her hands went to the hem of her skirt and she yanked it up. She had these cute panties on underneath. But there was something more. Her panties had a bulge! The look on Robert's face made her giggle. She pulled her panties down and a huge cock flopped out.

Robert just stared. He wasn't sure if he was really seeing it or not. But it certainly looked like his wife suddenly had a huge cock!

"You like?" she asked holding her arms out. Robert was still trying to adjust to the sight before him.

"Do you recognize it?" she asked playfully. He wondered what the hell she was talking about. Why would he recognize it? He was still trying to get over the fact that it was hanging between her legs.

"It's the guy in the movie. It was made from a mold. I have his cock!" She wiggled her hips making the cock dance between her legs.

"Holy shit!" Suddenly it dawned on him what she was saying. His eyes darted to the TV and then back to Gina. Her cock was a perfect replica of the guy in the movie!

She undid her skirt and let it drop to the floor. Then she unbuttoned her blouse and let it fall to the floor as well. All that was left were high heels and cock! The vision before him was surreal.

He watched that cock swing back and forth as she approached him on the couch. Gina knew exactly what he was seeing. She had practiced this walk many times preparing for this very moment.

She stood before him and spread her legs. Her cock hung right in front of his face. She reached down and took his chin in her hand, tilted his face up to hers. She looked him dead in the eye. "I got this cock for you. Now open your mouth. Slip my cock between your lips. I want to watch you suck my cock!"

He eased his fingers around its girth. His face immediately turned red. It was the only other cock he had ever touched. It looked so real. And it felt so real. It was so much bigger, so much thicker than his. It had to be twice as long.

Gina watched him. She could see the thoughts going through his head as he stared at it. She felt an immense sense of power. She wanted to see him put it between his lips. She wanted to see his lips stretch over her obscenely huge cock.

Robert stroked her cock several times getting used to its feel. He couldn't get over how big it was. He couldn't get over how sexy it looked hanging between her legs. He leaned in closer. He pulled that huge cock to his lips. The instant he felt it, felt it touch his lips, something clicked. Whatever resistance he had to it...vanished.

That resistance turned into curiosity, an overwhelming curiosity. He wanted it.

He looked up at Gina. Their eyes locked. He opened his mouth and slowly eased the thick perfectly shaped head past his lips.

Gina stood there, watching. It was all she could do to stand there, not move. She had a tremendous urge to thrust forward, thrust more cock into his mouth. The juices were streaming down her legs.

He smiled inwardly.

It barely fit in his mouth. It was so thick. It was such a different feeling. He had never had anything quite like it in his mouth before. It was a cock. It was real in every sense. He could feel the mushroom shaped head against his tongue. He could feel the veins along the shaft.

She watched his lips stretched over the cock. She knew his tongue was exploring the slit at that very moment. Her husband was sucking cock! Well, almost. She resisted the urge to drive her hips forward, to fuck his mouth. She didn't want to scare him away.

He was surprised at how comfortable it was. It was a strange shape to have in his mouth, but it didn't feel foreign. In many ways it felt quite natural. Yes, he felt submissive in a way, but not really. He knew he was in control. He could stop anytime he wanted. But now he was intrigued, he didn't want to stop.

She couldn't resist any longer. She started moving her hips forward, just slightly. God it felt good. It felt good to have a cock; it felt good to push it in his mouth. She pulled back and watched as he followed it. Oh yeah, she liked that. She thrust forward and watched him take it. And then she pulled back and watched as his lips missed it. It was a power she could easily get used too.

Sucking cock was much different than having your cock sucked. Yes, much different. He could smell her arousal. He could feel her juices running down her legs. That was nice, very nice. He got it in his mind that he would suck her cock. He would be on the other side of it this time.

She loved having a cock. It was so different having something down there, something that stuck out. And it was so big. She loved having a big cock. She was in control. She pushed a little harder, watched more go past his lips. She liked that. She liked that a lot. She could tell he understood. He had shifted gears. He knew she was in control this time and that felt really good.

She put her hands behind his head, like he had done to her so many times before. She started thrusting her huge cock into his mouth. She was fucking his mouth with her cock! Yeah, that felt really, really good. She noticed his hand snaking down to his cock. He was playing with himself as she fucked his face. She liked that too.

Nothing could have prepared him for this experience. She was literally fucking his mouth. This huge thick cock kept pumping inside his mouth, insistent, demanding. He got it. For the first time, he saw the other side. He got it. He pumped his cock as he licked and slurped on hers. Yes, he got it.

It was better than she ever imagined. Watching him suck her cock was making her delirious. She was in command. She wanted more. She pulled her cock from his mouth. It glistened with his salvia. She held it at the base and teased his lips with it. "Kiss it. Kiss my cock."

He could see how much she was getting off to this. He restrained a smile. He kissed the head several times. Then he started kissing down the shaft. Then she pulled it away from him again. "Open your mouth. Make an O with your lips." He did and she teased his lips with just the head. She pushed in, just the head, just past the ridge before pulling out. She did that several times watching his lips.

"Oh you like that cock...I can see that" she said towering over him. "That looks so hot baby. I love watching you suck cock." She glanced down to his crotch. It was the way he was stroking himself that turned her on. It was a loving caress, slow, sensuous.

She pulled her cock from his lips, waited.

His eyes opened. "I'm not through with that" he said leaning towards her cock.

She danced it back and forth teasing him. She was drunk with power.

"You are turning me into a cock sucker, aren't you? That's what you want, isn't it?"

"I don't know...let me see" she giggled. She held it still, right before his mouth. His lips went around it and she thrust forward. Her hands went behind his head and she started fucking his face really fast. Slurping sounds filled the room.

"God I love that! Yes, that is exactly what I want! I want you to suck cock!"

She pushed him back so that she could get a better angle. She had him pinned against the couch, put one foot up beside him. Yeah, that was better. She dipped her cock into his mouth. She watched as he nursed it.

"That is so hot baby. I love watching you suck my cock" she said. He was pumping faster and faster on his cock. It wouldn't be long now.

"Suck that nice...big...cock. You are a natural baby. You were meant to suck cock. I can't wait to get a real one in your mouth."

That was it. He exploded. Cum was flying everywhere. He came and came.

She pulled her huge cock from his loving lips and squatted down over him. She ran her big thick cock through the pools of sperm on his belly. Then she rose, towered over him. Her big thick cock was dripping with cum.

She lowered it to his waiting lips.

He was a man possessed.

"How you doing girl?" Cindy asked.

Gina looked up from the report she was reading. "What's up?"

"Are you thirsty?" she asked with a smile. "The girls are going back to the club this evening. Do you want to go?" Gina suppressed a smile. Boy did she want to go. Of course Cindy had no idea what the last trip set in motion.

"Sure. Let me call Robert to be sure, but count me in."

Gina followed the other girls over in her car and pulled into the same parking lot across the street. Her curiosity got the better of her and she tried to park in the exact same spot as last time. Who knew, maybe it would bring her good luck. That spot was taken, but there was one a few spots down so she parked there.

The conversation was much like the last time. The girls shared gossip about basically everyone in the office. Gina sat back and listened sipping her drink. Unlike last time, she had plenty to share this time around. But there was no way she was going to reveal to this bunch what she had been doing with Robert. She could just imagine how fast that news would travel.

The drinks were good and she enjoyed the companionship. But it was getting late. The girls seemed to realize it too and everyone started winding down. Just as Gina started with her goodbyes, she noticed a face in the crowd.

Long dark hair cascaded down to her shoulders past her breasts with a stylish curl. Rather large earrings, with a retro look from the sixties, hung from her ears. A beautiful face, high cheek bones, with bee stung lips covered in lip gloss. And those eyes...a beautiful sensuous brown. They were staring right at her. It was the woman in the parking lot!

She felt hypnotized. The woman was running her long polished fingernail across her lips in the most suggestive manner. There standing next to her was her husband. He noticed his wife was looking at something and turned to see Gina. Their eyes locked. He recognized Gina instantly.

The girls said their goodbyes and started sliding out of the booth. Gina told them that she would be right behind them, but she had remembered a call she needed to make first.

The couple approached the booth as the girls left. The woman was dressed so stylishly in a cute sixties top and mini skirt. Everything about her was sensuous. Her eyes, Gina couldn't get over her eyes. He looked like something out of GQ. The woman slid into the booth right beside Gina until they were mashing shoulders. She touched Gina's bare arm and sensually ran it down its length. It was the way she looked at Gina. Her husband slid into the other side.

"I was hoping we would meet again" she said still looking into Gina's eyes. Gina could feel her heart beating ninety to nothing. This woman was so sensuous. Gina found herself completely at her mercy. Her panties were soaked. She couldn't believe the effect this woman was having on her. She had never been interested in women before.

Gina watched as the woman moved from her eyes down to her lips and then slowly back up to her eyes. It was if she was putting some sort of spell on her. She leaned forward in the most graceful way and placed her lips against Gina's.

Now Gina had never kissed a girl before in her life! She couldn't believe this woman was kissing her right there in public with everyone looking! But soon she didn't care. Soon those soft wet lips felt good against hers. Gina closed her eyes and kissed her back. Her tongue slipped easily past Gina's lips, was met by Gina's tongue. The kissed as if they had been lovers for years.

Cindy made it almost all the way to her car when she realized she left her coat. She had just walked back into the club and naturally turned to the booth to see if Gina was still there. She was completely shocked at what she saw. She turned her head away from the booth and quickly walked over by the bathrooms. Once safely hidden just inside the hallway, she peered back towards the booth.

My god, she thought. There was Gina kissing some woman in the most passionate way. Well actually it looked like the woman was kissing if that mattered. They didn't seem to care who was watching them. And they were still kissing even now!

"I'm Simone" the woman said pulling her lips away from Gina. "And that is Sam, my husband." Gina was still stunned. She glanced across the table at Sam. He was looking at her, looking at Simone. He had a look in his eye that Gina recognized. He liked to watch. She felt a bond with him immediately.

"I'm Gina" she choked out. She was still of balance by her first kiss from another woman. She looked into Simone's beautiful brown eyes and fell instantly under her spell.

Cindy watched as they finally stopped kissing. When they moved apart Cindy could see a man sitting in the booth across from them. He was sitting right where she had sat just minutes ago. He had to be with that woman. Was Gina having an affair with these two? She must be from the way things looked. She had no idea Gina was so kinky.

Simone reached up and ran her polished fingernail across Gina's lip. It was a soft caress, and very sensuous. Gina was loosing control of herself. She couldn't believe how comfortable Simone felt being so open, so sexual with another woman. And right there for all to see. She was totally focused on Gina.

While looking into Gina's eyes, playing with her lip, Simone talked to Sam. "She was most impressed with your talents the other night. She is like you honey...she likes to watch." Simone kissed Gina again renewing her hold upon her. "I don't think she even realized I was there...until the end" she said with the slightest of smiles. She peered into Gina's eyes. "It was a magnificent cock...don't you think?"

Gina couldn't find her voice. Simone's big brown eyes were staring at her. Gina lowered her eyes to Simone's lips. Gina had kissed those lips. She had never kissed a woman before, but kissing Simone was different.

"Well...I" Gina stammered as she recalled the rivers of cum leaked from the sides of Sam's mouth, how his lips curled around that most impressive cock. She turned to Sam and said, "Yes, your talents were most impressive."

Cindy gawked at them until she remembered her coat. She went to the cashier and retrieved it and then snuck back to her vantage point by the bathrooms. She could see they were still talking at the table. That woman was snuggled up against Gina, but Gina certainly didn't seem to mind.

"Well I really must be going" Gina said feeling awkward. "It's getting late and husband...will be expecting me." She looked into Simone's eyes once again. "It was really nice meeting you." She surprised even herself when she leaned in and kissed Simone. Those big soft lips were so tempting.

"Let us walk you to your car" Simone said looking into her eyes. "I really must insist." Thank god, Gina thought, thank god.

"Yes, yes, of course" she managed to say. The three slid out of the booth and walked towards the door. Cindy watched as they walked out together. She gave them just a second or two and then followed at a safe distance.

They stopped at Gina's car. With anyone else it would have been a most awkward moment, but with Simone, it was almost easy. Gina looked at Sam. They exchanged the briefest of smiles before she turned to Simone. Simone took Gina in her arms and kissed her once again.

Gina found herself completely enveloped by her perfume, her lips, her touch. Simone was the most sensuous person she had ever encountered. Gina kissed her, played with her tongue, reveled in her brief dalliance with another woman. The fact that she was repaying Sam in some small way felt good too.

She was definitely having an affair with both of them as anyone could see, Cindy thought. She had no idea Gina was bisexual. She wondered if Robert knew. What would he think of his wife kissing girls out in the parking lot...while their husbands looked on no less?

Simone's kiss left Gina's knees wobbly. She didn't want to leave them, but no longer trusted herself. Simone seemed to read her thoughts, but was not through with her yet. She stared into Gina's eyes once more then pushed lightly on her shoulders ...sending her down.

Gina sank to her knees thinking it was now Sam's turn. She glanced at him quickly, noticed the bulge she knew would be there. Gina could not have been more surprised when Simone raised her cute little mini skirt to reveal her clean shaven sex. Simone did not give her time to think; she just reached out and pulled Gina into her crotch.

Gina was overwhelmed by her sexual scent as her lips pushed against Simone's slick sex. Her tongue seemed to act on its own as it slipped between Simone's nether lips getting her first taste of woman. Simone let out a hushed moan as Gina slowly worked her tongue right up the middle of her sex.

For just a flash Gina thought about Sam standing next to them...watching. She was sure he liked what he saw, knew his cock must be throbbing in his pants.

Cindy watched, her mouthing gaping open, as Simone leaned back against the car and spread her legs a little more. Gina was right there licking her pussy!

Simone tasted so good. Gina wondered why she had never tried this before. She ran her tongue up her sex listening to Simone purr. Gina felt her clit and teased it with her tongue. She stabbed it several times with her tongue feeling Simone shake beneath her. Then she clasped her clit with her lips and sucked hard. Simone squealed as she flooded Gina's face with her orgasm.

Gina was surprised and delighted at the same time. Her first experience with a woman had been thoroughly enjoyable. Gina rose to her feet and looked at Sam. She wanted to see the pleasure in his eyes. Sam grabbed her, pulled her to him, and gave her a deep soul kiss. Gina could feel his erection pressed against her leg.

Sam broke their kiss and Simone pulled Gina to her. Simone kissed her once again. Their kisses were so different. His was powerful, insistent. Hers was soft, passionate.

"We would like to see you again. Come back Friday night...and bring your husband" Simone said. With the briefest of smiles, she and Sam walked over to their car and left.

Cindy waited until Gina got into her car before she moved. Then she snuck over to her car. She couldn't wait to tell the girls.

Robert was sitting in bed reading a book. The hour was late which suggested that Gina was having a good time with the girls. He could remember the last time with the girls.

Gina walked in and saw that he was still up. She was a mess and had to reek of sex. She was hoping she would have the chance to clean up before seeing Robert. A million thoughts went through her mind. He was no fool. He would know something happened.

She could just be honest. Hello Robert. I have just had sex with another woman and I now need you to fuck me within an inch of my life. Or she could just leave off the talking and **** him.

She went with ****.

All Robert could think about was the club. He had never been there before. All he knew about it was what Gina had shared which was precious little. All he really knew was every time she came home from the place they made love well into the night. She had suggested the other morning that they go together sometime and tonight was the night.

Gina was preoccupied at work. She was thinking about Simone and Sam. She was thinking about the other night. And she was thinking about this evening too. For that matter, she was thinking about that very first night which had started the whole thing.

She thought about how this couple, this most sensuous couple, managed to change her entire life. She thought about all the deliciously naughty thoughts that lived in her head now. She thought about how she looked at other men thinking of Robert. Now the same was true when she looked at other women. And apparently others could read her thoughts. Even the girls in the office looked at her differently these days.

Robert loved her new dress. It was a backless number with nothing more than two strips that came up the front made of a shimmery purple material. It was incredibly short and showed off her nice legs. He was happy now that he took her suggestion to wear slacks and a sport coat. They looked good together.

Robert pulled into the parking lot across from the club and parked the car. Gina could feel her cute little thong becoming damp as they walked hand in hand across the street to the club. Once inside she suggested they take a booth. Robert had no idea it was the same one the girls shared the other night. They ordered drinks and Gina excused herself to go to the ladies room.

Robert looked around trying to get a feel for the place. It was just another club he thought. Yeah, the people seemed to be pretty upscale, but nothing special past that. Their drinks arrived and he could see Gina returning from the ladies room. She was beautiful this evening and he thought about what a lucky guy he was.

Gina slid into the booth across from him. Robert thought that was strange as they always sat together. He watched her take a sip of her drink and then felt her foot probing his crotch. Now he understood. He sipped his drink looking at her watching how her face changed as his cock grew underneath her foot.

A man and woman approached their table. Robert looked up at them trying to determine if he knew them and from where. The woman gave him a sensual smile and slid right into their booth next to Gina. The man was left to slide in next to Robert.

Robert looked at Gina for some clue as to who these people were. He noticed her face had grown flush. She was staring at the woman. It was the way she was staring at the woman that caught his interest. He had never seen Gina look at anyone like that before.

The woman was gorgeous and had the most sensuous brown eyes. She leaned in and kissed his wife. Now this was no peck on the cheek. She was kissing Gina, on the lips and taking her sweet time about it. And Gina was letting her. If he wasn't mistaken, she might even have been kissing her back!

" must be Robert" She said easily. "I am Simone and this is my husband Sam."

"Hello" he said and then turned to Sam giving him a nod. Robert was slightly off balance. He had no idea what was going on. Simone certainly seemed quite familiar with Gina that much was obvious.

Then it hit him. Gina tasted of pussy the other evening when she came home. He had chalked it up to his imagination, but now he knew it was Simone. Suddenly his mind was filled with questions. Who was Simone? How did she know his name? Where did Gina know her from? Did Sam know what was going on between their wives? His pants became uncomfortably tight as he pictured the two of them together making love.

"I met Simone and Sam the other night when I was here with the girls" Gina said quickly hoping to fill in some of the blanks. She kicked herself for not telling Robert about them before this. She could see now that would have been much better.

The waitress stopped by and Robert ordered drinks for everyone. This was a most interesting chain of events. He was quite curious to see where this was headed. Robert was fascinated with Simone and the way she looked at his wife.

"Excuse me for being so forward" Simone said nonchalantly, "but I am quite drawn to your wife." Her manner was so sexual, so easy. She was obviously quite outspoken and very comfortable with it. He imagined her beauty allowed her many advantages.

"She is a beautiful woman" Robert said confidently, "as are you." He turned to Sam, "You are a lucky man to have such a beautiful wife. Tell me, how long have you two been married?"

"Three years" Sam said with a smile. "They have been the most interesting years of my life."

"Yes, I can just imagine" Robert said without thinking.

"I would like to take your wife as a lover. Sam allows me such liaisons from time to time as he understands my needs" Simone said smoothly.

Gina turned to Simone shocked. "You would not enjoy such an arrangement...however brief it may be?" Simone asked with those lovely brown eyes.

"Yes dear...answer her question" Robert said. Gina turned to him. Simone had put her on the spot. Robert was not upset. He seemed genuinely interested in her answer. Gina glanced at Sam. He was probably used to this.

"I'm not sure how I feel about that" Gina said.

"Let me see if I can help" Simone said easily. She took Gina in her hands and kissed her again. Those big soft lips were so wet, so easy to kiss. Gina found herself kissing her back passionately. Robert watched as did Sam. Their kiss made his cock throb with excitement.

Gina was flustered. Her nipples were hard and poking through the front of her dress. She was clearly quite excited. Robert could see the affect Simone had on Gina. She was having quite an affect on him as well.

Simone broke their kiss, but kept her face right next to Gina's. She ran her tongue along Gina's bottom lips in the most seductive way. She looked into Gina's eyes. Gina had no control when she was around this woman. She seemed to cast some sort of spell over her. She was helpless.

"It would be innocent enough...after all, I have Sam, Gina has you. I would not want to change that" Simone said. There would be nothing innocent about it, thought Robert. But that was fine with him. Isn't that what an affair was all about? Gina could not bring herself to say it, but it was easy to see that she was all for it.

"How do you feel about this Sam?" Robert asked.

"Who am I to deny her?" he said. "She enjoys both men and women. It is something I understand...I do too upon occasion."

There it was...the other shoe. Robert turned slowly back to Gina. She saw it in his eyes. She ran her tongue seductively along her lip as all the wheels fell into place in Robert's head. Gina turned to Simone and kissed her.

Robert's cock throbbed. Their kiss was so seductive, so sensual. Robert's thoughts were interrupted by a firm squeeze of his cock. His breath caught in his throat, but just for a second. He felt a thumb roll over the head of his cock and then back down. It was definitely male in nature although he had never been touched by a male before.

Sam knew what Robert wanted to feel. Men liked firm, dedicated contact. Robert was nice and hard too. He had a nice girth that fit Sam's hand perfectly.

At any other point in his life Robert would have rejected this entirely. But he saw this as an opportunity. He wasn't sure if he was ready for such things, but here it was. He had an undeniable urge to feel Sam's cock. And he couldn't think of a single reason why he shouldn't.

He reached into Sam's lap, found his cock and took it in his hand. Of course Sam was hard, very hard. Robert was quite at ease holding Sam's cock. He imagined he had Gina to thank for that.

The girls broke their kiss and returned their attention to the boys. Both their nipples were hard and clearly visible. Gina hoped Robert was as excited as she was. She ran her foot back up to his crotch and found Sam's hand. The look on her face was priceless. On a whim, she ran her foot over to Sam's crotch and discovered Robert's hand.

"Does his cock feel good, baby?" Gina asked seductively. Robert gave her a slow, but sure smile.

"Our house is but a few blocks away" Simone said gathering her purse. Robert released Sam's cock and pulled out his wallet. He threw a couple of twenties on the table and slid out of the booth. Simone could see the large bulge in his pants. With Gina standing right there blocking everyone's view, Simone took a quick squeeze of Robert's cock. "Sam is a wonderful cock sucker" she whispered in his ear.

The two couples headed to the parking lot. "Follow us...we are in the Porsche." Robert and Gina followed in silence. The car was filled with sexual tension. They both knew what was about to happen, but neither knew what to say. After riding in silence for a block or two Gina leaned over and said, "Remember to use your tongue...just like I taught you."

"I will baby" he said looking back at her.

Sam and Simone lived about six blocks from the club. It was a warehouse district that had been converted into lofts. Robert and Gina parked right behind them and the four of them got into the commercial elevator that served the building.

The smell of sex filled the elevator. Robert thought it was one of the longest rides he had taken. The door opened and Simone took Gina's hand leading her into the two story open loft. Robert and Sam followed behind.

Sam reached for a remote and the huge open loft filled with smooth jazz. A single shaft of light filled the area between two semi circular couches that faced each other in the middle of the room leaving everything else in shadows. The décor was simple and elegant giving off a Zen like feeling. The closer they got Robert could see the sunken hot tub between the couches.

Simone led Gina inside the couches, turned and took her in her arms. One hand snaked up the back of Gina's head as Simone's lips met hers. Gina was instantly consumed and melted in her arms.

Sam removed his clothes. He was still erect and Robert surveyed his cock. It was a handsome specimen and he was going to suck it. Sam stepped into the hot tub and turned it on. The whirl of the jets could be heard and the turbulent water cast eerie reflections against the walls. Robert removed his clothes, his erection standing free. He stepped into the hot tub with Sam.

Robert looked back at the ladies. Simone was working the clasp of Gina's dress as they kissed. In an instant Gina's dress fell to a heap on the floor. All that was left was a sexy thong and heels. Gina quickly returned the favor and soon both were kissing breast to breast under the hungry gaze of their husbands.

The girls looked at their naked husbands in the hot tub. Gina was ready to join them, but Simone took her hand and led her to a stairway behind the couch that led up to a suspended island that floated in the middle of the loft.

Robert watched as they climbed the stairs. What a beautiful sight it was. They disappeared from sight and he quickly realized that he was alone with Sam. He glanced at Sam to find him staring at him. Sam eased out of the water and sat on the edge of the hot tub. His cock was standing proudly from his crotch. He had a pretty nice cock as far as cocks go Robert thought. While still looking at him, Sam spread his legs invitingly.

The top of the stairs revealed a padded nook suspended from the ceiling that floated over the loft. There was only one wall and it featured a natural rock fireplace. What a cozy little area Gina thought. She could feel Simone's hands cup her breasts from behind. She worked her fingertips to her nipples and teased. This woman, now her female lover it would seem, had such an affect on her. Simone moved to the padded floor and summoned Gina to follow.

Robert waded across the hot tub and eased himself between Sam's spread legs. He stared at the ridged cock before him. It was of normal size and nicely shaped. He wanted to fix it in his mind as this would the first cock he sucked. He took it in his hand and causally stroked it. Sam leaned back against his extended arms and watched. Robert took his balls in his other hand massaging them gently. Sam moaned softly.

Yes he was going to suck this cock. And he was going to enjoy it. Robert didn't feel the slightest bit reserved. He was playing with another man's cock and balls and it felt good. He found it exciting and sexual. He lowered his mouth and took the tip of Sam's cock between his lips. Sam moaned with excitement.

Gina and Simone could hear Sam's moans floating up to their cozy little nook. Simone smiled at Gina and reached for a remote. Suddenly a flame blazed in the fireplace as a large flat screen sitting above it came to life. There was Robert, in high definition, taking Sam's cock deep into his mouth.

Gina released a guttural moan they came straight from her crotch. Simone crawled between her legs and pulled her soaked thong off and threw it to the side. Gina stared at the screen watching her husband. It was well worth the wait. For the very first time in her life, she felt a feminine tongue ease into her sex.

Robert ran his tongue along Sam's firm shaft feeling every inch. It was slow and deliberate. He was licking a real cock and it felt very, very good. He marveled at its warmth and softness. He loved the way it throbbed from his caress. He kept going, right down to his balls. Sam moaned as he felt his balls dancing on the end of Robert's tongue. Robert was determined to experience and enjoy every aspect this nice hard cock.

Gina had her legs spread wide teetering on the end of her heels. Simone was lying quite comfortably between her legs teasing her clit with her tongue. Gina could not take her eyes away from the large flat screen where Robert was clearly lost in giving the most sensuous, most sexual blowjob Gina had ever witnessed. She was only slightly aware that she was flooding Simone's face with her juices.

Robert worked his way up to the tip of Sam's cock. He held the base with his hand and traced his tongue along Sam's perfectly shaped helmet. He could feel the little curve that turned into Sam's slit. He ran his tongue up his slit and was welcomed by a large dollop of pre-cum that oozed onto his tongue. He simply loved that taste. He whipped it off and swallowed.

Simone was no stranger to licking pussy. She was administering just the right combination of licks, kisses and caresses. Gina could see her grinding her perfectly shaped ass into the padded floor. Gina would return the favor when the opportunity presented itself. But now, now she was enjoying the most intense sexual experience of her life.

Robert parted his lips and slid them over Sam's cock. He preceded easily right down to the base. Sam's cock was not nearly as thick as Gina's. Sucking a normal sized cock was a breeze!

Sam closed his eyes and threw his head back. Robert had taken all of his cock right down to the root. Robert pulled up his length and then went back down. He marveled at the warm, smooth flesh between his lips. It was so different from Gina's cock. He couldn't believe how easy it was taking a normal sized cock into his mouth.

Gina watched as her husband sucked cock obviously doing a masterful job of it as evidenced by Sam's intermittent moans. Robert's deep throating of Sam was a powerful display of masculine sexuality and it was having a dizzying affect upon her. It was the most erotic thing she had ever witnessed.

The affect was even more stunning upon Sam. He could feel the sweet power of release building inside him. He was now a prisoner to Robert's skillful assault.

Gina was doing her best to hold on. She didn't want to climax before Sam, but Simone was doing magical things to her. Gina could see the look on Sam's face. It was one of pure pleasure.

Sam was leaking profusely in Robert's mouth. The taste was driving him insane. He wanted to feel Sam explode in his mouth. He couldn't wait to feel that cum splashing everywhere. He was so focused on Sam's cock.

It began in the center of his brain, ran down his chest and exploded through the end of his cock. It was an immaculate white out. Everything ceased to exist. The only thing he could feel was his cock pulsating wildly between strong wet lips bringing euphoria.

Gina could see Robert gulping down Sam's orgasm with complete determination. From what she could see, Sam was giving him quite a load. Her orgasms came in fast succession. Each was more intense than the one before it. Simone was an expert at driving out every last drop of pleasure from her.

Sam collapsed back against the floor. His cock lay prone against his thigh completely dry.

Gina closed her eyes and slipped off into la-la land as the perfect calm flowed over her body.

Robert pushed back floating across the hot tub. He positioned himself over the inclined bench just beneath the surface and felt the tiny pin pricks of the water jets along his body.

He closed his eyes and smiled. His first blowjob had gone extremely well.

Simone propped herself up on her elbows and gazed upon Gina's beautiful body. She loved the slope of her breasts, the feminine swallow of her belly that flowed down to the V of her crotch. It had been a while since her last female lover. She was going to enjoy Gina very much.

The End
Đăng bởi canadianbbw
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Thanks for another story, could visualize while reading, Will this be new series?
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well written and very erotic! 
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